Whether you've been following my Bad Girl Ballerina revolution since it began 2 years ago or just recently joined the squad, I want to make an effort to get to know you better. While many of us dancers go through similar struggles and challenges in our career paths, we are all unique in our bodies, situations, and stories.
One of the reasons I love training my Bad Girl Ballerinas is because I get to share in their experience of life. I get a glimpse into their distinctive selves. I get to see them for the special souls they are...because, believe it or not, before we are dancers, we are all humans. And, we are all very unique and remarkable. Make no mistake, we are not just the interchangeable dancers we are sometimes made to feel like in our competitive field.
And so, in my efforts to help you feel Bulletproof in body and spirit, I want to know more about you and what you need to level up. Hit the reply button below and tell me the one thing you are really struggling with in your dancing (mentally or physically) right now. Over the next several months, I will try to address your nemesis through my blog posts.
Thank you in advance for being willing to share a piece of your story with me. Even if I don't reply directly to your email, know it is incredibly valuable to me to hear your thoughts. I'm looking forward to hearing from you;)