Being able to love yourself when you're not at your best is important. Really important.
Because we are not always going to be at our best. No matter how hard we try. No matter how good our intentions are. No matter how hard-working we are.
You are going to face tough times, setbacks, injuries, heartache...whether through consequences of your own actions (however good-intentioned they may be) or the world acting against you in all its unfairness. Either way, the role you play in reacting to these tough times is entirely your responsibility. If played well, you can actually use these tough times as a catalyst to get ahead...become better than you were before. If played poorly, you can do a lot of damage, beat yourself up, & stay stuck in your past.
It might sound like I'm saying buck up and just push on through it. I'm not. I'm also not saying wallow in self-pity. But you do have to let yourself experience the pain fully so you can learn from it, clear it, and move on as a better version of yourself. And that can be hard. There's a reason you try to numb yourself with food, drugs, alcohol, shopping, Netflix, work, etc. But if you can appreciate the value of setbacks, it makes dealing with the pain & struggle a little easier...and provides hope to climb out of them.
Sometimes you need to let yourself go through stuff. Embrace the hard times for what they opportunity to start fresh. To begin a new chapter. Instead of pushing and forcing your old ways, setbacks give you a chance to reflect on your life. Re-evaluate your course. Reconnect with your values. And start fresh...sometimes down a totally new path...and sometimes with more tools to help guide you towards your previous pursuits.
When caught under your own personal rain cloud, spiraling downward, the challenge is not to be brutal with yourself but to understand why you are there in the first place. What are you supposed to learn & how can you become better from this? Allow yourself the necessary time & space to heal & rebuild. If done properly, these setbacks can be an opportunity to emerge as a more knowledgeable, indestructible, experienced version of yourself.
So use your failure, injury, depression, hurt, or whatever you are struggling with for what it is -- just another stepping stone in your path towards fulfillment.
And in case you need help getting started on that path...
Less than 1 week away from the start of the FALL DETOX! The journey towards a more confident you begins September 11!
There's still time to sign up below!

PC: Isaac @crunchwrap.awr