These are a few of the things keeping me going right now. In case you find yourself with extra time over this 2020 holiday season -- time that is normally spent in Nutcracker performances and rehearsals -- perhaps you can use that time to explore some of these topics as a way to build yourself up physically, mentally...and spiritually. We could all use some positive vibes these days! And anything you can do to generate positive energy and add to the good in the world is welcomed now more than ever. So, enjoy!
Artistry At Its Finest
Have you seen this yet? No matter how many times I've seen (and danced!) "The Nutcracker" Grand Pas...I still melt when I hear that music. And this version performed by Isabella Boylston and James Whiteside is nothing short of exquisite. This is artistry at its finest. The epitome of expressiveness and connection. They are feeling, enjoying, and living every second of this. And for a few minutes you get transported there with them. Kudos to these amazing artists and the inspiration they provide here.
True Nourishment
This is a great article from a trusted source about nourishment. It addresses navigating the holiday season without over-indulging and experiencing regret...but also has a ton of solid information on staying healthy year-round. A lot of this aligns with my FAT LOSS GAME PLAN and the nutrition philosophy I personally follow to feel vibrant & confident in my body. Not everything in this article will apply to you (especially the part about fasting -- if you are a dancer, especially a young dancer, this generally isn't something I would recommend. Fasting has to be done in a very particular way, preferably with guidance from a professional, in order for it to be beneficial. Otherwise it can be very damaging to your body and health...and dance career). But for the most part, it contains valuable information that will help curb cravings and ensure you get the proper nutrients to keep your health and spirits up this time of year.
*If you already have my FAT LOSS GAME PLAN, a copy of this article has been added to the "Follow-Up" section so you have access whenever you need extra guidance;)
Christmas Gift Idea
This is the perfect option for a ballet friend or sister...or for YOURSELF! After all, there's no better time to treat yourself to something special! These skirts are hand made by a lovely dancer here in NYC. She has some ready-made options for quick shipping before the holidays, and she also makes custom skirts designed to your measurements and desires. I have two of "The Kimberly" pull on style, and they are my favorite skirts ever - so delicate and unique! Plus, when you purchase one of these, you can feel good about supporting a working artist hustling to make it on her own during these hard times. So, you can consider it a noble, unselfish purchase...even if you are buying it for yourself;)
Browse all the styles and send her a DM through Instagram to get the process started!
*BTW, I don't get a cut from this. I just like to support and recognize other hustlers!

Holiday Stress Relief
In case the holidays are a tense time for you with all the family get-togethers, obligations, hustle & bustle, and sugary food temptations lurking around every corner, you might need an efficient way to blow off some steam. If you haven't tried it yet, my KICK-A$$ CIRCUIT WORKOUT provides a quick but intense physical challenge to get you back in your body and focused on your health at a time when you're so busy taking care of everyone else. This focus-factor also helps rid the anxiety and stress that can build up during the holiday season. Give it a's only 30 minutes, & I guarantee you'll feel better afterwards!
Let me know if any of these inspire you. Also, I'd love to hear from you as this year comes to a close - how you are doing and any requests you'd like guidance with for the new year ahead.
Lastly, I want to take this moment to thank YOU. Thank you for listening, thinking outside the box, putting those thoughts into actions, and being a part of this journey together. I have so much luv for the BAD GIRL BALLERINAS I work with well as those quiet ones listening from afar. We are all in this together, and I'm thrilled to play a part in your progress towards becoming a more confident dancer, enlightened human being, and lover of life. I hope to continue to inspire you to find your power & build your best self -- physically & mentally -- in the year ahead.
Enjoy time with family, friends, & the magic of the season that is still there if you look close enough.