After being unavailable for the past few months, the KEY TO YOUR CORE program has officially re-opened for enrollment indefinitely due to popular demand!
In honor of this season of giving and in hopes that you will jump on board with this game-changing core program, I'm offering a $30 discount off of my Bulletproof Ballerina Key to Your Core program through Cyber Monday, November 27, at midnight with the code:
Click the button below, enter "cybermon" in the promo code box upon checkout, and treat yourself to a solid core this holiday season!
Here's what dancers who have tried the program already are saying:
"...the workouts in Key to Your Core have helped me with my stability and alignment. Just this Friday my teacher used my fouetté turns en pointe as the class example for alignment and engaging the core, and other teachers have commented on my solid balances. I've also got a little 6-pack forming, which is fun! I definitely think it's helped me here in getting a leg up on my dancing year."
"In fondus and rond de jambes en lair à la seconde I have noticed that there is less pain in my hip flexor because my core is stronger and able to support my leg better."
"I like that each phase is compact and provides a tough workout without being TOO tough or too long."
Grab this program now while you can take advantage of this $30 savings code!
It's time to get your Peak Performance Body!
Hint: If you are on my Bad Girl Ballerina email list, check your inbox for a secret discount code for special savings just for you!